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HTML 5 / CSS 3

We use the latest in HTML5 and CSS3 for great looking cross browser compliant websites.

HTML5 is the next generation of HTML technology for building websites that feature rich content.

HTML5 extends, improves and rationalizes the markup available for documents, and introduces markup and Application Programming Interface (APIs) for complex web applications. Many features of HTML5 have been built with the consideration of being able to run on low-powered devices such as Smartphone’s and tablets. With HTML5, your website can transform itself automatically based on the device it is being accessed on.

With HTML5 web design, you get a cleaner and more sophisticated user experience. You also get better integration of multimedia like videos and audio which lets you do away with Flash and similar elements.

HTML5 web design has many benefits, namely improved semantics, much cleaner code and improved accessibility.

  1. 1. Video Support
  2. 2. Improved Forms
  3. 3. Cleaner Code
  4. 4. Accessibility


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) offer increased flexibility in the presentation of website content. It can take navigation and effects to the next level. In essence, it just makes everything prettier. With CSS3 web design, the functionality and aesthetic appeal increases exponentially.

Advantages of HTML5 and CSS3

  1. 1. The website design is loaded quickly by implementation of web sockets
  2. 2. No need for any third party software.
  3. 3. Can create cross device compatible websites.
  4. 4. HTML 5 making website highly interactive & SEO friendly
  5. 5. Supported in all major browsers
Last Updated by Ryan Borooah